We at Satsarva are dedicated to bringing a revolution in the healthcare and supplementation industry by introducing the world with the potential, capabilities and efficiency of our traditional pharmaceutical and herbal ayurvedic products.
With decades of experience in procuring, manufacturing and dealing in ayurvedic medications with the dedicated help of the top ayurvedic doctors and practitioners of the country, we make sure our products are thoroughly researched and developed in such a way that we can ensure a 100% efficiency without the use of any chemicals and without any side effects.
We make sure that our products focus of the overall health and wellbeing of the individual by focusing on the three fundamentals of human body in ayurveda which are the
Tri-Doshas (Vata, Pitta & Kapha) which are the main biological forces that govern all the psycho-physiological functions in the body.
Sapta Dhatus (Rasa, Rakta, Mamsa, Mada, Asthi, Majja & Shukra) which are essential body tissues that play a vital role in maintaining the overall health and balance of the body.
Tri-Malas (Purisha, Mutra & Sveda) which are referred to the metabolites and waste products such as Faeces, Urine & Sweat formed in the human body; the timely and periodic removal becomes crucial in the process of body detoxification.
We aim to provide the world an ethical, eco friendly and herbal way forward when they look forward to a healthier way of living. We aspire to achieve that by providing the best of the best solutions that are gifted to us by us in the name of Ayurveda.
Hope to serve you with the best that your body and mind deserves.
Made with ♥️ in India
Satsarva 🙂