Triggers of Diabetes: How to Stop Pre-Diabetes from Turning into Diabetes

Diabetes can be like a silent criminal in your body killing you silently without your knowing. It makes
your life off guarded. Whether you’re already dealing with pre-diabetes or you have been diagnosed
with diabetes, understanding what leads to this condition and taking steps early on can make all the
difference. In this blog, let’s go deep into the dangers of diabetes, how to stop pre-diabetes from
turning into diabetes, and what happens to your body when you’re living with it.


What can happen to a diabetic person?

The first step here is to understand what actually happens with a diabetic person. As we all know that our body needs insulin to process sugar from the food that we eat and turn it into energy. For most of us, insulin works like a gunshot that opens up cells, allowing sugar to enter. But for someone with diabetes, either the body doesn’t make enough insulin, or it can’t use it properly. As a result; blood sugar levels stay higher than normal, and over time, this can damage internal organs and tissues.

For patients with Type 1 diabetes, the immune system mistakenly attacks the pancreas, leaving little to no insulin. Type 2 diabetes, the more common one, happens when your body becomes resistant to insulin, meaning it doesn’t work as efficiently as it was supposed. When blood sugar levels stay high for too long, complications can arise, like: Heart Damage, Nerve Damage, Kidney Problems, Vision issues and so on. But! The good news is that if you detect diabetes early and take action, many of these complications can be prevented or controlled.

What Actually Causes Diabetes?

Diabetes is not thing that can happen overnight. There are some common conditions and lifestyle factors that can increase the risk:

1. Obese Condition:

Extra weight, precisely around the belly, can make your body less sensitive to insulin, setting the stage for diabetes

2. Laziness:

If you’re sedentary, your body doesn’t use insulin as effectively. Physical activity helps your body process sugar more efficiently.

3. Poor Dietary Choices:

Diets full of processed foods, sugary drinks, and refined carbs contribute to weight gain and insulin resistance.

4. Age:

As we age, especially after 45, our bodies become more prone to insulin resistance.

5. Family History:

: If your parents or someone else who has diabetes can increase the chances of having diabetes more.

6. High Blood Pressure:

High blood pressure can go hand in hand with diabetes, increasing your risk of developing.  

How to Stop Pre-Diabetes Switching into Diabetes

If you’ve been told you have pre-diabetes, DON’T PANIC. This is a wake-up-call to make the required changes that could prevent the condition from progressing to full-blown diabetes. Here’s what you can do:

  • 1. Lose Those Extra Kilos:

    Even shedding just 5-10% of your body weight can make a huge difference in lowering your blood sugar and improving insulin sensitivity

  • 2. Move More:

    Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week. Regular exercise helps your body to use insulin better and keeps your blood sugar levels in check.

  • 3. Eat Correct Foods:

    : Stick to whole, nutrient-rich foods like vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains which will keep your blood sugar levels steady.

  • 4. Keep Track of Your Blood Sugar:

    Monitoring your blood sugar can help you keep track before something becomes serious. Also, stay in touch with doctors for regular checkups now and then.

  • 5. Smoking Kills:

    If you smoke, it’s your time to quit. Smoking can worse everything even more.

  • 6. Limit Alcohol:

    Limit your drinking habits. Excessive of drinking can spike up your blood sugar levels instantly.

  • 7. Stress Management

    Stress plays an important part in higher sugar levels. Try to keep yourself as calm as possible

  • 8. Sleep like a Baby:

    Aim for a minimum of 8 hours of sleep every night. Poor sleep can interfere with insulin sensitivity.

Precautions for Diabetes and Pre-Diabetes

If you’ve always been diagnosed with pre-diabetes or diabetes, it’s not the end of the road. You

  • 1. Don’t miss on

    Medications: If your doctor has prescribed medication, take it as directed. Missing those can increase your blood sugar without wait

  • 2. Keep yourself posted on Blood Sugar:

    Whether it’s at home or with your doctor, regularly checking your blood sugar levels is key to manage diabetes.

  • 3. Hydration is Important:

    Staying hydrated helps your kidneys flush out excess sugar from your bloodstream.

  • 4. Keep Your Weight in Check:

    Maintaining a healthy weight can help you to control your blood sugar in a better way.

  • 5. Watch for Complications:

    Regular check-ups are a must! Whether it’s any eye checkups or blood tests you should keep yourself posted about everything.

  • 6. Stay Fit:

    Exercise is one of the best things that you can do! Whether it’s a simple walk or an easy workout at the gym, keep moving and regulate your sugar levels easily

Final Thoughts

Diabetes won’t necessarily control you or your life. Whether you are trying to prevent pre-diabetes
from becoming diabetes or you’re already managing the condition, taking early action can help you
live a healthier and fuller life. Small and consistent changes like taking a small walk or eating
wholesome good food and of course managing stress can change the game all together.
You can also start your journey with the help of Ayurvedic Supplements like Satsarva Glycaemic
Supplement and experience a better you easily.
So, what’s the wait for? Get in touch with us today and begin your personal journey to a healthier,
balanced life!